This is the first time I've ever ventured into the "blogosphere" so I hope this works. Just to keep everyone updated (thanks for the baby announcements--CONGRATULATIONS!)
Our "baby, Rachel, (23 yrs.), was just awarded a Fulbright scholarship (obviously she inherited Cox brains!) She's been living in Germany off and on for about 18 months, and her Fulbright plan is to do a study on a Germanic people group living in Romania. The tentative plan is for her to live in Romania from Sept. '08 - June '09. Beyond that, who knows?
Lisa (27) was planning to open a printmaking/art gallery in Little Rock in Jan., but right after Christmas her financial backer pulled the plug! Lisa visited a friend in NYC while she was contemplating her future. While she was there, she was told that "moving to NYC was a collective bad idea that people kept doing anyway." She was also told that jobs were available but one must live there to get a job, and that if one were going to move to NYC, one should do it while one was young and had the energy, and it would help if to have some $ to help along the way until a job appeared. Based on that sketchy advice, Lisa packed up her Little Rock possessions and her dog, Luca, and moved. Her brother Sam, on leave from his Merchant Marine job, was so kind as to drive her to NYC right after Valentine's Day. It snowed the day after they arrived (Lisa had found temporary lodging--oh, the stories I could tell you; the temperature/weather; sub-letting from Craig's list; 4th floor walk-up; subway; shopping for food; life in the "hood!)) Sam, used to life on the open sea, Hawaii specifically, stayed only as long as was absolutely necessary! He then hightailed it back to Dallas. More on him in a moment. Lisa found a job through a friend from high school, and has found an apartment with a college friend in a much safer neighborhood. At the present she is working as an artist's assistant and seemingly settling into the NYC life. There's a reason that they say "youth is wasted on the young!"
Re: Sam, he decided that in spite of the economic advantages of life at sea, family and friend relationships tipped the balance toward life shoreside. He was offered a job as manager of the soon-to-be opened Dallas branch of the Houston-based Scott-Macon heavy equipment (construction cranes) Co. He is presently living at home, working at opening the Dallas co., and planning to move into a house with his very good friends from high school in June. We are delighted to have him back in Dallas, at home, and are very grateful that he has re-connected with his good friends (whom we know and really like.)
Randy and I continue our full time jobs, waiting to see where our offspring venture next. Stay tuned....thanks for reading this ramble. Love y'all! Lou
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Posted by cox family at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Jackson Oscar Burford

Jackson Oscar
April 6, 2008
9:10 a.m.
6 pounds 11 ounces
Congrats Nate and Julie!
Posted by cox family at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Ian Louis Olsson
Well, it's been a while. Hope all the family is surviving this flu season. We are well here in Dallas and have some exciting photos to share of our newest family member (if Nate and Julie haven't welcomed their bundle yet). Ian Louis Olsson made his debut on Janurary 12, 2008. He came about 10 weeks early so he weighed only 3.9, but he is so strong and really doing well. He has been in the NICU all this time and Lara and Ben think he will come home in about a week or so. Prayer is amazing.
On another note, we planned a last minute 3rd generation ski trip to New Mexico but most everyone's schedule was conflicted so we will plan for next year. Do we have a big reunion in the works at all? Always love catching up with such fabulous kinfolk. :)
Posted by cox family at 4:14 PM 0 comments